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Resan är levererad av
Exodus Adventure Travels
Destinasjoner : Kambodja
Resan börjar : Phnom Penh
Resan slutar : Siem Reap
Gruppstorlek : 4 - 16
Åldrar : 16+
Aktivitet :
13 dagar från
NOK 26 285


Explore the Angkor temples, majestic Phnom Penh and rural countryside

Discover Cambodia, a diverse country with a captivating history. After arrival in bustling Phnom Penh, we head to picturesque Kampot, a land of paddy fields and pepper plantations. We pause for lunch at Kep Bay and enjoy views across the Gulf of Thailand before transferring to tropical Koh Rong island. Returning to Phnom Penh, we visit the Royal Palace and the sobering Killing Fields before departing for Battambang, a well-preserved colonial town. Finally, we explore the temple complex of Angkor with a sunset visit and a bike ride to the less visited temples.

  • Visit the Kampot pepper plantations
  • Relax and unwind on tropical Koh Rong island
  • Board a bicycle rickshaw for a tour through Phnom Penh and along the banks of the Mekong River
  • Visit the Killing Fields and Tuol Sleng Prison
  • Cycle through the countryside of Battambang
  • Spend two full days exploring the temples of Angkor including Ta Prohm
Viktig information
  • 10 nights in comfortable hotels and two nights in a resort
  • Travel by private minibus
  • Some activity in humid conditions
  • Rural locations and city days
  • All breakfasts
  • All accommodation
  • All transport and listed activities
  • Tour leader throughout
  • Free arrival and departure transfers for everyone
Ingår ej
  • Travel insurance
  • Single accommodation (available on request)
  • Visas or vaccinations


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Viktig Information

The trip destination
  • 10 nights in comfortable hotels and two nights in a resort
  • Travel by private minibus
  • Some activity in humid conditions
  • Rural locations and city days
All breakfasts are included. Food is cheap in Cambodia and you can generally avoid the spicier dishes if you wish. Cambodian food is all about contrasts: sweet and bitter, salty and sour, fresh and cooked. It shares many dishes with its neighbours, and you’ll find noodle soup similar to Vietnamese pho, the refreshing salads and sour soups of Thailand, Indian-inspired curries, and noodles and stir fries handed down from years of Chinese migration. From Cambodia’s days as a French Indochina colony, there’s a national love of coffee, pâté, and good bread. Baguettes are served with soup, made into sandwiches, and sold by men riding bicycles carrying baskets of long loaves. Western food is also available in most of the places visited. Vegetarian food is widely available; however, the offering will be fairly similar in most places. Please advise at time of booking if you have any dietary requirements.

The weather will be hot and humid throughout with daytime temperatures usually 28C-34C (82F-93F). It is only a little cooler at nights. The dry season is late October to May and the monsoon is normally between May and October; though there is an obvious transitional time between those settled periods. The dry season has hot days and generally clear skies, though you can expect the odd shower. The monsoon is characterised by short, sharp bursts of rain and is generally overcast all day though this does not detract from the enjoyment of the place; you just need to take an umbrella or buy a cheap poncho locally.

Is this trip for you?

This trip is rated Activity Level 2 (Leisurely/Moderate).

This is a busy itinerary that visits the main highlights of Cambodia. We travel by private minibus to cover much of this beautiful country in a short time. We have kept travelling time to a minimum; however, a couple of days have approximately five hours’ transfer journeys. We use comfortable hotels throughout. It is important to understand that Cambodia is fairly underdeveloped for tourism outside of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.

Priser / Datoer

Genom att skriftligen acceptera vårt erbjudande bekräftar du/ni att våra villkor både har lästs och förståtts och att avbokningsavgifter kan tillkomma om resan ställs in.

mån, 21 okt 2024 / lör, 02 nov 2024 NOK 26 285 På förfrågan NOK 7 465 Tillgängliga
mån, 28 okt 2024 / lör, 09 nov 2024 NOK 26 285 På förfrågan NOK 7 465 Tillgängliga
mån, 11 nov 2024 / lör, 23 nov 2024 NOK 26 285 På förfrågan NOK 7 465 Tillgängliga
mån, 16 dec 2024 / lör, 28 dec 2024 NOK 26 285 På förfrågan NOK 8 175 Tillgängliga
mån, 21 okt 2024 / lör, 02 nov 2024 NOK 26 285 På förfrågan NOK 7 465 På förfrågan
mån, 28 okt 2024 / lör, 09 nov 2024 NOK 26 285 På förfrågan NOK 7 465 På förfrågan
mån, 11 nov 2024 / lör, 23 nov 2024 NOK 26 285 På förfrågan NOK 7 465 På förfrågan
mån, 16 dec 2024 / lör, 28 dec 2024 NOK 26 285 På förfrågan NOK 8 175 På förfrågan

Vi återkommer till dig med ett erbjudande för den efterfrågade resan/paketet inom 48 timmar. Alla erbjudanden är icke bindande och gäller vanligtvis i 7 dagar. Observera att reserverade tjänster kan avbokas inom dessa 7 dagar och att priset kan ändras tills en slutlig beställning tas emot.