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Turkod : AZJ
Resan är levererad av
Exodus Adventure Travels
Destinasjoner : Lesotho
Resan börjar : Johannesburg
Resan slutar : Cape Town
Gruppstorlek : 4 - 16
Åldrar : 16+
Aktivitet :
20 dagar från
NOK 50 525


Enjoy mountain kingdoms, world-class wine, safari lands and dramatic coastlines

This epic journey explores the different facets of three very diverse countries. We go on game drives in Kruger National Park, walk in the spectacular Drakensberg mountains, travel along the Garden Route, enjoy wine tasting in renowned vineyards and visit exciting Cape Town, while also visiting the mountain kingdoms of Eswatini (Swaziland) and Lesotho. This three-week trip has something for everyone: prolific wildlife, incredible scenery, beautiful beaches, awe-inspiring mountains and, of course, the rich culture that makes these countries what they are today.

  • Discover Kruger and the Drakensberg mountains
  • Visit Eswatini (Swaziland) and Lesotho
  • Explore Cape Town and the Garden Route
Viktig information
  • 18 nights in log cabins/chalets/hotels, one night in a permanent tented camp
  • Travel is by minibus or overland truck
  • Mainly good roads with some long drives
  • All breakfasts, 16 lunches, 13 dinners
  • All accommodation (see below)
  • All transport and listed activities
  • Tour leader throughout
Ingår ej
  • Travel insurance
  • Single accommodation
  • Visas or vaccinations


Visa allt

Viktig Information

The trip destination
  • 18 nights in log cabins/chalets/hotels, one night in a permanent tented camp
  • Travel is by minibus or overland truck
  • Mainly good roads with some long drives
All breakfasts, 16 lunches and 13 dinners are included. Your guide and driver/assistant generally prepare the meals included in this trip. Below is a rough idea of what you can expect: Breakfast: Cereals, coffee, tea and toast, plus the occasional cooked breakfast. Lunch: Cheese, cold meats, salads, bread or rolls, and fresh fruit. Dinner: Potjies (stew), braais (barbecue), stir fries, pasta with fresh vegetables. We need at least two weeks’ notice to deal with special dietary requirements (eg vegetarian or allergies). For this reason, if you did not indicate these on your booking form, please advise us as soon as possible. The tour leaders do all the shopping, meal planning and cooking for each group. They always try to obtain fresh produce wherever possible. We also supply fruit squash, tea and coffee with breakfast, and tea or coffee with dinner. All other beverages are at your own expense. The water provided on this trip is safe, clean drinking water, normally from boreholes. If you would rather have bottled water then this is at your expense, though we would encourage you to make use of the safe drinking water provided as this helps reduce plastic consumption.

Although the greater part of South Africa lies north of the Tropic of Capricorn, the altitude moderates the temperature.

Summer is October to April with an average daytime temperature of 25C-30C (77F-86F) and an average nighttime temperature of 10C-20C (50F-68F).

Winter is May to September. Average temperatures are colder at this time of year. In and around Cape Town, most of the rainfall is in winter but it’s frontal rain, which comes off the Atlantic. Therefore, it can rain solidly for two days and, in between, there are warm sunny days!

There is likely to be very little rain inland between April and October. During July and August, the nights can be very cold, especially in the Drakensberg where temperatures can drop below freezing. However, the days are warm and crisp with generally cloud-free skies.

During November to February, rain sometimes falls and the temperature is higher. However, as anyone who has travelled to these parts will say, rain is often a blessing; it manifests the local colours, drops the sometimes-sweltering temperatures and never generally lasts too long. It also means the nights are incredibly clear. Due to the ocean’s proximity to the mountains and the winds, it is fairly common to experience tabletop clouds on the higher mountains in and around Cape Town.

Is this trip for you?

This trip is rated Activity Level 2 (Leisurely/Moderate).

It is designed for people in good health who enjoy the outdoors. It is a varied trip, with sightseeing, city tours, game viewing, beach activities and walking. The moderate grading is given as some of the walks, especially in the Drakensberg, require a reasonable level of fitness.

There are some long driving days as we cover a lot of ground but there is lots to do and see along the way, plus we stop regularly for bathroom breaks, refreshments, photographs and leg stretches. Drive times on a lot of the days are four to five hours but a couple may be in excess of seven hours (not including time for stops). Drive times in the day-to-day itinerary are approximations.

Priser / Datoer

Genom att skriftligen acceptera vårt erbjudande bekräftar du/ni att våra villkor både har lästs och förståtts och att avbokningsavgifter kan tillkomma om resan ställs in.

sön, 25 aug 2024 / fre, 13 sep 2024 NOK 52 630 På förfrågan NOK 9 475 Tillgängliga
sön, 06 okt 2024 / fre, 25 okt 2024 NOK 53 335 På förfrågan NOK 9 475 Tillgängliga
sön, 17 nov 2024 / fre, 06 dec 2024 NOK 50 525 På förfrågan NOK 9 475 Tillgängliga
sön, 25 aug 2024 / fre, 13 sep 2024 NOK 52 630 På förfrågan NOK 9 475 På förfrågan
sön, 06 okt 2024 / fre, 25 okt 2024 NOK 53 335 På förfrågan NOK 9 475 På förfrågan
sön, 17 nov 2024 / fre, 06 dec 2024 NOK 50 525 På förfrågan NOK 9 475 På förfrågan

Vi återkommer till dig med ett erbjudande för den efterfrågade resan/paketet inom 48 timmar. Alla erbjudanden är icke bindande och gäller vanligtvis i 7 dagar. Observera att reserverade tjänster kan avbokas inom dessa 7 dagar och att priset kan ändras tills en slutlig beställning tas emot.