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Exodus Adventure Travels
Destinasjoner : Tanzania
Resan börjar : Arusha
Resan slutar : Arusha
Gruppstorlek : 4 - 16
Åldrar : 16+
Aktivitet :
10 dagar från
NOK 53 275


Enjoy a superb ascent of Kilimanjaro on the lesser trekked Lemosho Route

Taking the western approach, we cross the caldera of Shira Volcano, traversing beneath the southern icefields of Kibo, the highest volcano on Kilimanjaro. We have eight days on the highest mountain in Africa, which means plenty of time to acclimatise and soak up the ever-changing scenery. This is one of the least trekked routes, allowing us to savour the immense and wild Shira Plateau. This itinerary gives you an excellent chance of reaching the summit: approximately 96 percent of people trekking the Lemosho route with Exodus stand on the roof of Africa. Aldo Kane Collection: A hand-selected range of adventures by our Brand Ambassador: “Trekking to the ‘roof of Africa’, Mount Kilimanjaro, is an experience you’ll never forget. The Lemosho route is one of the least trekked paths towards the summit, which allows you to take in the beautifully wild Shira Plateau. The sense of achievement you feel when you see the Uhuru Peak sign and know you’ve made it to the top of the highest mountain on the African continent is something else. It’s a truly special place and perfect for anyone who’s looking for a challenge.”

  • Enjoy a fantastic eight-day route, carefully designed to maximise time in remote wilderness
  • Take advantage of an extra day to aid acclimatisation
  • Stand on top of the largest freestanding mountain in the world, Kilimanjaro
  • One guide to every two clients on summit day
  • Part of the Aldo Kane collection
Viktig information
  • Seven nights of full-service camping in three-person tents, private toilet tents provided, two nights in comfortable hotels
  • Eight days point-to-point walking
  • Full porterage throughout
  • Altitude maximum: 19,340ft (5,895m); average: 13,125ft (4,000m)
  • Full moon and female crew departures available (see Dates & Prices)
  • Exodus is a member of the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project
  • All breakfasts, eight lunches and nine dinners
  • All accommodation (see below)
  • All transport and listed activities
  • Tour leader throughout
  • Kilimanjaro Park fee
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  • Travel insurance
  • Single supplement
  • Equipment hire
  • Visas or vaccinations


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Viktig Information

The trip destination
  • Seven nights of full-service camping in three-person tents, private toilet tents provided, two nights in comfortable hotels
  • Eight days point-to-point walking
  • Full porterage throughout
  • Altitude maximum: 19,340ft (5,895m); average: 13,125ft (4,000m)
  • Full moon and female crew departures available (see Dates & Prices)
  • Exodus is a member of the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project
All meals during the climb are included. Please allow about US$30-US$50 for the two lunches (day 1 and 10) not included. On trek, the emphasis is on a varied and well-balanced diet with a greater amount of fresh fruit and soup to maximise the daily intake of fluids. Vegetarians are well catered for but please inform us before departure of any special dietary requests. Please note that in Tanzania the availability of certain specialised products for restricted diets, eg gluten-free or dairy-free, is minimal or non-existent and we strongly recommend you bring these specialised dietary items from home. The menu has a high liquid and carbohydrate content; the two important elements for successful climbing. At higher altitudes, stimulants (such as coffee) and less digestible foods (such as meat) are not recommended. Our evening meal at the highest camp on Kilimanjaro is a meatless stew as our experience shows this to be the ideal preparation for the summit day. At mealtimes, a selection of hot drinks is available. Soup is served twice daily. Daily meals Bed tea: Tea or coffee served in your tent Breakfast: Seasonal fresh fruit (mango/banana/watermelon), porridge, cooked eggs, sausage, bacon and toast Energy snacks, such as biscuits, bananas, and chocolate bars, are provided for the daily walk Lunch: Either a packed lunch on longer days or, more usually, a hot lunch served in camp by a small team who have raced ahead of the clients. A hot lunch typically consists of soup, bread or pancakes, cheese, tuna, jam, peanut butter, pasta salad and cake Afternoon tea: Served in late afternoon. It is an opportunity to drink lots of hot drinks and snack on peanuts or popcorn. Dinner: The main meal of the day and always consists of three courses: soup and bread, followed by the main dish, which could be rice, potatoes or pasta with fish, meat or vegetables, and is followed by a dessert often of fruit. Summit snacks: While we provide enough food for the climb, we recommend that you bring some of your favourite snacks and keep them for the summit day. The summit day is a long, tough climb and having your favourite snacks can give you a very welcome boost. Water While the water we provide on Kilimanjaro is suitable for drinking you may wish to be extra safe and treat it with your own water purification tablets.

Although Tanzania lies in the tropics, the temperature depends more on altitude than on season. Northern Tanzania has temperatures around 16C-23C (61F-73F) in August, rising to 18C-28C (64F-82F) in February. The long rains, during which we do not operate trips, occur from late March to May, and there are intermittent short rains in November and December, though the latter have no great effect on mountain climbs. Kilimanjaro can be climbed at any time of the year but it is usually very wet in the rainforest in April and May. January and February are the warmest months. Above the cloud line, the days are warm and pleasant, with temperatures in sunlight often above 20C (68F), but the nights can get very cold. It is possible for temperatures to get as low as -20C (-4F) at Barafu campsite, our highest overnight stop. The daily weather pattern on the mountain tends to be clear mornings with an afternoon cloud build-up that often clears before sunset. In the (European) summer, the weather is usually cloudy at lower altitudes and often sunny above 11,480ft (3,500m). Please note, mountain weather conditions are never totally predictable and we may meet wet and snowy conditions at any time.

Is this trip for you?

The trip has been rated Activity Level 6 (Challenging/Tough). However, the summit attempt is graded Activity Level 7 (Tough) because of the high altitude and the level of physical effort needed. Many clients find the summit day on Kilimanjaro the toughest physical challenge of their life.

The rest of the trek is graded Activity Level 5 (Challenging) more as a consequence of the high altitude and extended wilderness camping than the difficulty of walking; hence the overall grading of this trek as Activity Level 6 (Challenging/Tough). We strongly recommend that you thoroughly read the Activity Level guidelines before booking this trip.

Walking conditions

This is a long, hard trek, reaching an altitude of 19,340ft (5,895m). Even if you consider yourself fit, you might still find the climb very hard, depending on how well your body acclimatises to high altitude. There is no scientific way to determine how easily you acclimatise; the acclimatisation process also can differ from climb to climb. Most of the trails on the Kilimanjaro trek are well defined and good quality but some forest sections are often slippery and moorland paths can be very wet in poor weather conditions. The final ascent to Uhuru Peak is almost exclusively on scree and loose rock without permanent footpaths but no technical skills are required. During the course of the trip, we spend time at both high and low altitude, experiencing both extremely cold and quite hot conditions. You should be prepared for an early start every day on Kilimanjaro.

Priser / Datoer

Genom att skriftligen acceptera vårt erbjudande bekräftar du/ni att våra villkor både har lästs och förståtts och att avbokningsavgifter kan tillkomma om resan ställs in.

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