Turkode : FVB
Reisen er levert av
Exodus Adventure Travels
Destinasjoner :
Reisen begynner : Oulanka
Reisen slutter : Oulanka
Gruppestørrelse : 6 - 18
Aldre : 9 - 16
Aktivitet :
8 dager fra


Enjoy winter activities for all the family in a beautiful, wild landscape

For a winter trip with a difference, Oulanka is always a popular destination for families. On this fun-filled trip, the whole clan will enjoy a host of exciting activities and wholesome home-cooked food. We set out to explore the beautiful wilderness on snowshoes, cross-country skis, dogsled and reindeer sleigh. Better yet, our ecofriendly base is at the edge of Oulanka National Park in a truly spectacular setting with the very best conditions for seeing the Northern Lights, nature’s most spectacular light show.

  • Snowshoeing
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Dogsledding
  • Beautifully remote wilderness location
  • Chance to see the Northern Lights
Viktig informasjon
  • Seven nights at Basecamp Oulanka
  • Five days of mixed activities
  • Group normally 6 to 18, plus leaders
  • All Arctic winter equipment and clothing provided
  • All breakfasts, five lunches and seven dinners
  • All accommodation (see below)
  • All transport and listed activities
  • Tour leader throughout
  • Arrival and departure transfers
Ikke inkludert
  • Travel insurance
  • Single accommodation (available on request)
  • Visas or vaccinations


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Viktig Informasjon

The trip destination
  • Seven nights at Basecamp Oulanka
  • Five days of mixed activities
  • Group normally 6 to 18, plus leaders
  • All Arctic winter equipment and clothing provided
All breakfasts, five lunches and seven evening meals are included. The food at Basecamp is a delicious range of local produce prepared by the in-house chef. Starters consist of a salad buffet with three to four choices. The main courses consist of wild game such as elk, chicken and salmon. There is also vegetarian food. Dessert consists of lingonberries, blueberries and cloudberries, often picked by the chef. It is refreshing to know that what is viewed as superfoods in our supermarkets grows locally to Basecamp. These are served with a selection of quark curd, cream, ice cream, cakes and pancakes. Lunch normally consists of hot soup with elk, salmon or a vegetarian option.

Close to the Arctic Circle, temperatures during the season range from -30C to 5C (-22F to 41F). December will normally be the coldest time (usually below -20C/-4F), but the temperatures rise as the days lengthen and early April sees temperatures around -10C to 5C (14F to 41F). Recent years have seen massive fluctuations in the space of a few weeks with lows of -40C (-40F) and highs of 7C (45F) just a few days apart. If the thought of such temperatures scares you, then think again. When dressed in the Arctic clothing provided, with insulated boots, woolly hat and large mittens, -20C (-4F) can actually feel very pleasant. The Arctic cold is a dry cold, there is usually no wind, and remember we will keep you active.

Daylight hours: At extreme latitudes, the days shorten and lengthen much faster. So while in midwinter (December/January) the sun remains just below the horizon, by April there are more daylight hours than in the UK, and the midnight sun is only a matter of weeks away. Even in midwinter it is not dark, as the sun is just above the horizon and there is plenty of light reflected off the snow.

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis): Visible from September to late April on most clear nights at latitudes close to and above the Arctic Circle. They can be seen further south but will be less spectacular and less frequent. Solar activity is greater around the equinoxes (September and April), and at lower latitudes this can be the best time to see them. Inside the Arctic Circle, they tend to be just as good in any winter month, and on a seven-night trip you would be unlucky not to see the Northern Lights at all.

Is this trip for you?

This trip has been rated Activity Level 2 (Leisurely/Moderate).

This is a mixed-activity week for families with a good selection of guided activities and free time for independent activities or relaxation. None of the activities require previous experience but the exposure to cold weather can be quite tiring. The free time provides the opportunity to tailor the trip to your preferences.

Priser / Datoer

Ved skriftlig aksept av vårt tilbud bekrefter du/dere at våre betingelser er både lest og forstått og at evt kansellerings gebyrer kan tilkomme ved en evt. avbestilling av reisen.


Vi vil komme tilbake til deg med et tilbud på den forespurte reisen/pakken I løpet av 48 timer. Alle tilbud er uforpliktende og er vanligvis gyldige i 7 dager. Vi gjør oppmerksom på at reserverte tjenester kan bli kansellert innenfor disse 7 dagene og at pris kan endres inntil en endelig bestilling er mottatt.