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Nautilus Belle Amie - Socorro "Giant Mantas" - Team DIVEPlanet Scandinavia
Reisen begynner : Oslo, Stockholm, Gøteborg, København
Reisen slutter : Cabo San Lucas
Type dykking :
13 dager fra
NOK33 915
At Socorro, these giants choose to interact with divers! They come in very close (less than 1 meter!), make eye contact with you and then swim along beside you totally on their terms.
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Day 1 (9/5/19): Depart from Scandinavia² - San Josè del Cabo (Nightfligth…
Day 1 (9/5/19): Depart from Scandinavia² - San Josè del Cabo (Nightfligth)
Day 2 (10/5/19: Arrive Mexico City and connect to San Josè del Cabo. Board the Nautilus Belle Amie around 9pm Day 3 (11/5/19): En-route to the Revillagigedo Islands Day 4 (12/5/19): Arriving at San Benedito Island for our first dives Day 5 (13/5/19): Diving at San Benedito Island. Overnight sail to Roca Partida Day 6 (14/5/19): Diving Roca Partida Day 7 (15/5/19): Diving Roca Partida Day 8 (16/5/19): Arriving at Socorro Island Day 9 (17/5/19): Arriving back at San Benedito Island Day 10 (18/8/19): Diving at San Bedetito Island and overnight back to Cabo San Lucas Day 11 (19/5/19): En route to Cabo San Lucas Day 12 (20/5/19): Disembark after breakfast and transfer to the airport Day 13: (21/5/19): Arrive back in Scandinavia² It is possible to extend the trip with a post tour to La Paz on the Sea of Cortez (Baja California) where you will have the chance to dive with sealions.
Socorro Island - Home of the Giant Mantas
The giant pacific mantas which you will meet at…
Socorro Island - Home of the Giant Mantas The giant pacific mantas which you will meet at Socorro are the largest of the rays and we believe they are the most majestic creatures in the ocean. They swim by moving their wing-like pectoral fins, which can grow up to 7 meters wide, but usually average about 5 - 6 meters.
At Socorro, these giants choose to interact with divers! They come in very close - less than 1 meter! - make eye contact with you and then swim along beside you - totally on their terms. What is even more extraordinary is that the local population of bottlenose dolphins have learned to mimic the behaviour of the giant mantas. It is very likely that these wild dolphins will also move in close and intimate to divers during your trip.
The Nautilus Difference
When you set off on a trip on the Nautilus Belle Amie, you will experience "adventure" in every sense of the word. You will voyage to remote volcanic islands in protected marine biospheres that very few people ever experience. Depending on the destination, you can either dive with great white sharks or giant manta rays, wild dolphins and up to 10 different kinds of sharks. In-season, you can even get in the water with humpback whales. The men and women of our crew come from all over the world and share your love of diving as well as a commitment and passion to provide excellence in guest services. Safety never comes second on our ships and our Captains, mates, and engineers are trained and certified first-responders with a full medical kit on board. We are committed to sustaining the ecosystems of the places we visit and actively support conservation and scientific endeavours. We invite you to join us and share our love for Mother Ocean.
Socorro trips are 8 nights, 9 days. We also offer 10 and 12 night combo trips that combine diving at Socorro with the best of the Sea of Cortez, 15 night combo trips combining Socorro with Clipperton Island, and 15 night combo trips with the great white sharks of Guadalupe Island. During the regular trip you can expect 22 dives plus a thrilling night snorkel with silky sharks hunting under the ship's deck lights (unless it is a full moon - the silkies don't like to cooperate when it is a full moon)
Sample itinerary Your trip starts at the main dock in Cabo San Lucas where you will board the "Nautilus Belle Amie". The vessel is custom designed for divers to the highest possible level of comfort and safety with a layout that utilizes every square foot of available space. Everything is first class and certified to the same exacting international SOLAS and ISM standards as the largest cruise ship.
You can expect 28 dives plus a thrilling night snorkel with silky sharks hunting under the ship's deck lights (unless it is a full moon as the silkies don't like to cooperate when it is a full moon).
Great Dive Sites - Dive in amazing sites like El Canyon, The Boiler, The Aquarium & Roca Partida where there is potential for many up close interactions with mantas, dolphins, humpback whales, whale sharks and more. The diving is more than mantas and dolphins!.The sharking at Socorro ain't bad either. See up to 10 different species of sharks including schooling hammerheads, silkies and white tip sharks.After a long and hectic day diving why not relax in the hot tub after dives. Join us for wine & cheese party. At night, head up to the sun deck and enjoy a movie under the stars. Snacks are offered all day long, and we also have a great selection of spirits and wine.
Viktig Informasjon
Package includes:
Fligth Scandinavia² - San Jose del Cabo - Scandinavia² with Lufthansa
All airport taxes
All accommodation in shared cabin
Weights, belt and air (aluminium tanks)
Normally up to 22 dives plus 1 possible nightly snorkelling activity
Use of sea kayaks (except Guadalupe great white shark cage diving trips)
Marine ID presentations, zodiac kayaking instruction (except white shark trips).
In-water divemastering and dive guiding with local experts.
Daily room service and nightly turndown and towels.
Meals, snacks, non-alcoholic beverages including sodas.
DAN Dive insurance
Not included:
Tips (8-10& of the value of the cruise, but not obligatory)
Travel and cancellation insurance
5% Mexican VAT and local 5% tax is not included
Park fees $65 per person payable in cash onboard
Rebreather support including zorb and specialized tank rentals.*
Other useful information:
Prices: are based on sharing cabin with other person of the same gender Boarding / Disembarkation: Meeting time in Cabo San Lucas from 12:00 onwards. Boarding time on day 1 is at 20:00 and the vessel set sail at 21:00. Meeting place is at the Hotel El Ganzo in the hospitality suite in Cabo San Lucas.
Disembarkation is after breakfast around 8:30 on the last day. Nitrox: is available onboard at $20 x number of diving days. Arrival and departure transfers: Available to/from the Hotel El Ganzo from/to the airport at return $35 Drinks: We offer a selection of wines, imported and domestic beers, single malt scotches and a variety of spirits. Communication: We are proud to be the first liveaboard in the world to offer ocean going Wi-Fi access for our guests. Please note that while this is a top-of-the-line and very expensive stabilized gyro satellite system, there are limitations.
The Wi-Fi connection is likely much slower than you are used to and it is not like using broadband onshore, because the gyro stabilized antennas have to track a very narrow aiming point on the satellite while in open ocean.
Water temperatures: varies from 23ºC in December to February to 26ºC rest if the year Visibility: Normally excellent and between 20-50+ and blue, blue, blue water. What's the diving like?: The Revillagigedo archipelago (of which Socorro is one island) is famous for very close and intimate interaction with giant mantas. We're talking "really close" interaction with mantas that can appear out of the blue anywhere in the islands. These are known as the friendliest mantas in the world and we put groups of only 10 - 11 divers in the water at a time to ensure the best possible encounter. The best manta diving is at San Benedicto Island and we will spend 2 or 3 days there. The best shark diving is out at Roca Partida and we will endeavour to spend 2 days on site weather permitting. Destination known for: mantas, white tip reef sharks, silkys, Galapagos and
hammerhead sharks and maybe even a tiger shark or whale shark, masses of fish, lobster and some macro diving possible. When to go:
November to December
Socorro is all about amazing interaction with our favourite giant mantas. No other mantas in the world behave like this. We don't know why but we LOVE IT!! And the mantas clearly love us back. November and December boast the warmest water temps of the year in the low 80's. Aside from the usual interaction with mantas, dolphins and 10 kinds of sharks, this is the best time of year to see whale sharks in blue blue water and often excellent visibility.
Early January Value season!!!! It's always been hard to persuade folks to travel after the holidays so our attitude is "what the heck, let's offer super value pricing". The diving is as good as ever and you can't beat our pricing at this time of year. As always, Socorro is about amazing interaction with our favourite giant mantas. No other mantas in the world behave like this. We don't know why but we love it!! And the mantas clearly love us back. You can also expect interaction with dolphins, 10 kinds of sharks and early season humpback whales. Water temps are usually in the mid - high 70's
Mid January to April Socorro is all about amazing interaction with our favourite giant mantas. No other mantas in the world behave like this. We don't know why but we LOVE it!! And the mantas clearly love us back. Aside from the usual interaction with mantas, dolphins and 10 kinds of sharks, 1200 humpback whales migrate down from Alaska at this time of year to mate and breed.. You will see loads of whales on the surface and you will hear them singing when you are in the water. Most incredible of all is the opportunity to snorkel with the whales and sometimes even see them during a dive. Please note that cooler waters and humpback whales go hand-in-hand and you can expect water temps 73 - 74 degrees
May to July
Bait ball season!!! Socorro is all about amazing interaction with our favourite giant mantas. No other mantas in the world behave like this. We don't know why but we love it!! And the mantas clearly love us back. Research indicates that there are more giant mantas and more biomass at Socorro during bait ball season than any other time of year. Everything intensifies with more sharks - including schooling silky sharks - schooling hammerheads, whale sharks, lots of tuna and other pelagic fish and even pilot whales. You can expect water temps in the mid - high 70's..
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